Seoul National University,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
June 20-24, 2022
Dear CMG Members, Colleagues and Students,
We invite you to attend the Conference on Mathematical Geophysics (CMG2022) of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG; organized online by the Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, June 20-24, 2022. The program of the conference covers many interdisciplinary topics and relevant mathematical approaches, including inverse problems, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science, geophysical fluid dynamics, natural hazards, climatic and environmental changes. CMG2022 is a contribution to the United Nations International Year on Basic Science for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD,, the international program where IUGG is a partner organization.
A keynote lecture will be given by Professor Frederik Simons (Princeton University), the inaugural recipient of the Vladimir Keilis-Borok Medal of the IUGG Commission on Mathematical Geophysics. Another keynote speech will be given by Professor Kwang-Yul Kim of Seoul National University. Several invited speakers have already agreed to speak at the conference (
The conference will be held online (with an onsite component depending on the epidemiological situation). The online conference is free of charge for registered participants. The deadline for Abstract submission is May 15, 2022, and the deadline for Registration is June 14, 2022.
For your late registration, please access to (
We acknowledge the significant work and great efforts invested in the meeting organization by the Executive Committee of the IUGG Commission on Mathematical Geophysics (CMG), the session conveners, and especially, Professor Sang-Mook Lee and the Local Organizing Committee for CMG2022.
We look forward to welcoming participants of CMG2022!
Alik Ismail-Zadeh, CMG Chair
Ilya Zaliapin, CMG Secretary